Monthly Archives: November 2022

NANO 2022

A good (if somewhat gray) Monday to all!

Since the halfway mark of NaNoWriMo is nearly upon us, it seemed a good point to pause, regain my breath and share news on this year’s project–and more besides!

As mentioned in last month’s post, I’m working on Lux Besieged, the second book in what’s become the second trilogy of my AH/Fantasy Pangaea series. Although word count isn’t quite what I’d hoped it’d be by now, I’m still expecting to hit the treasured 50K mark by or perhaps even before November 30. It’s been both exhilarating and trying to make this latest stab at fantasy writing, as it has in previous Nanos; no idea yet if any of the tales rising from these will make their way to published form, but the thrill from crafting them won’t be fading anytime soon.

Speaking of publishing, it seems the roll of such that I’ve been on this past year isn’t quite done: As of this past Thursday, my Alternate History short story “The Two Horsemen” (centered on a very different outcome to the 2013 Chelyabinsk Meteor strike, and the nearly-simultaneous flyby of asteroid 2012 DA14) has been released, as part of Sea Lion Press’s latest anthology Apocalypse How: Tales of the End of the World, edited by the talented and esteemed Jared Kavanagh. It was depressing at times (no surprise) to be writing in such a theme, especially nowadays, but the thrill of seeing my first short work in ebook form has proven the perfect cure. There are 16 stories altogether in this collection, every one of them outstanding; check them all out at the link here!

Lastly, to celebrate this release (and reaching the midpoint of NNWM with my sanity intact, or mostly so 😛 ), my own AH anthology, In Other Words, is on sale starting today running through 11/21! Check it out while perusing Apocalypse How, and vice versa!

Well, the glorious and terrible siren call of NNWM is pulling me back to the keyboard! Enjoy the rest of November, and I’ll be back next month with more updates…as well as teasers for my 2023 projects!