Liftoff #15!

Happy (almost) close of June, all!

It’s been a crowded start to summer in many (Outside World) ways, yet this hasn’t stopped the writing work. Biggest news in that regard: As of the 18th, my latest Alternate History short story, True Union Men, is available on Amazon Kindle!

Currently I’m on break from (self-)publishing efforts, but the next such project is already lined up: “Les Mariannes.” Like last month’s “Chistka”, this one takes place within the timeline of my Divided Worlds novella, revolving around a group of women in the French Resistance during the last campaigns of a very different WWII. Don’t have a firm start date for this effort yet, but it’ll likely be around the second week of July, once the Fourth celebrations have worn off, and hopefully it’ll be on (digital) shelves before that month’s end.

Other writing’s been slower than I’d hoped this month, but nonetheless productive. I’ve passed a major hurdle in Cross & Flag: Reckonings, and expect to begin the penultimate scenes/chapters this weekend. Won’t meet the 6/30 deadline I originally aimed for at the start of this project period, but that’s why I kept all such dates for this year elastic when choosing them. A “No Screen(s) Day” is fast approaching, which ought to be exactly what’s needed to refresh for the last sprint, as it has in the past–and to give a boost for the first round of new work on A House United, the sequel to my AH novel Dixie Curtain. Not expecting to finish that project this time around, but should make it past the halfway mark, perhaps even further.

Well, that’s all for this month! Enjoy the start of (full) summer, and I’ll see you again in July!

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